Thursday, May 18, 2006

2nd Day in HK

A little sleep in was in order after the miles covered on foot yesterday. After checking out from the hotel we headed to central via the MTR and boarded the bus to Stanley. The markets at Stanley were 100% on the Temple night markets. Picked up some clothing and hopefully no diseases from the dodgy Italian restaurant.

The Hong Kong Maritime Museum was a short diversion. A little disappointing considering China has probably the greatest maritime legacy of any nation. Most of the exhibits seemed to deal in the modern maritime trade rather than the history alluded to in the book "1421".

At the bus stop we bumped into Richard Drane, a work associate and close neighbour. Our itineraries for the previous two days had mirrored each other so it was only a matter of time before we bumped into each other. Funny way to meet the new neighbours!!

After arriving back to Central curiosity got the better of me and I had to try the escalator that went all the way up to the mid-levels. About 18 minutes and a mile was covered passing areas full of great furniture shops, bars and restaurants. It also dawned on me that there was no escalator heading down the hill. The reward was a Starbucks (in the previous fortnight I have had Starbucks in Canberra, Melbourne and now HK) and then a thousand steps to return to sea level. It really reinforces how big and built up Hong Kong is and provides a completely different perspective to that from the Peak.

A quick shopping raid at the Timberland shop and we collected our luggage for the journey to the airport. The showers at the Clipper Club have my complete recommendation!!

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