Monday, May 22, 2006


Cold and wet. But we shall not let that bother us. On the way up to the Castle we stumbled upon Mary King's Close, a series of underground streets that lie beneath the Royal Mile. Modern Edinburgh was pretty much built over the top of this neighbourhood and much still exists below street level providing a pretty good idea of 17th century life.

Edinburgh Castle did not disappoint. Crowded but deservedly so as this landmark appears to dominate the city. The War Memorial within made mention of HMAS SYDNEY and EMDEN so there were obviously had some Scottish Marines onboard.

The Royal Yacht Britannia was a great attraction. It certainly put the elegance into cruising!! Especially interesting were the number of "family photos" throughout the ship.

For some reason there are cows all over the city, maybe something to do with the Fringe Festival.

Dinner and "The DaVinci Code" rounded of a great day.

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