Sunday, May 21, 2006

Onwards to Scotland

Cathay has once again looked after us by providing an excess of seats to lie down in. The flight was relatively painless although disappointing that there were no meat pies this time. We arrived at Heathrow at 0530 and within an hour we were in the rental zooming north on the M25 and M1.

York was our first destination. A beautiful walled city with no cars permitted in the centre. The main highlight is the York Minster, a beautiful old church that has stood in one form or another since the Roman times. In my humble opinion it certainly rival the Notre Dame in size and elegance. They have opened up the crypts and as one wanders around the foundation it is possible to see Roman, Saxon and Tudor layers in the church, complete with working wells and also artifacts from each period.

Our final destination for the day was the coastal town of Whitby, famously the one time residence of Captain Cook when he was working for the Merchant Seaman, Captain Walker. The residence is now an exquisite little museum. The town is quite attractive and we settled down to our first English Pub meal on the harbour. The town appears to have changed little since the era of Cook.

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